Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

New CDL Driver's Requirement

For those who haven't heard....

New Medical Certification Requirements: A Guide for Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Holders - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Note: Starting January 30, 2012 and no later than January 30, 2014, all CDL holders must provide information to their SDLA regarding the type of commercial motor vehicle operation they drive in or expect to drive in with their CDL. Drivers operating in certain types of commerce will be required to submit a current medical examiner’s certificate to their SDLA to obtain a “certified” medical status as part of their driving record. CDL holders required to have a ”certified” medical status who fail to provide and keep up-to-date their medical examiner’s certificate with their SDLA will become ”not-certified” and they may lose their CDL.

For specific State by State requirements for drivers and information related to how a State is handling the Medical Certification requirements, and to determine who to contact for additional information, click on the following link:

Follow link above for more info.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Making of Mozzarella Cheese

Someone shared this interesting You Tube tutorial on making Mozzarella, which suits me well.  I'm not a strong proponent of "cooking" in the microwave, but this only uses the nuke box to keep the cheese warm, not cook it.  I have made Queso Fresco in the past, which is similar (more like a Ricotta).

A non-video recipe for making Mozzarella: Mozzarella Recipe

And, just for fun, here's my favorite place to get cheese making (and other) kits: Leener's

Another good one: New England Cheese Making Supply