Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Family Tradition

One thing I love is family history.  When that crosses over with cooking, it's even better.

I acknowledged in my book those who have helped to make my book possible. One of those is my mother. She taught me the love of cooking at a very early age. I am so grateful to her for all she has taught me. And she's still a fantastic cook!

My lovely mother, Diane Talarico
Who taught me the value of good, wholesome cooking

Along those lines, I wish to share my great grandmother's cookbook, which I inherited. There is only one copy, hand written, and I have it.  I'm in the process of making a cover for it.  It's a cherished heirloom that will pass on to my daughter, Ash, when the time comes.

This book was written by Louisa E Pollard, wife of William S. Pollard of Fayetteville, Arkansas, in 1902 (on my dad's side). My grandmother, Sarah, was born in 1900.  This book is one of my most cherished possessions.  Who knows? Maybe I'll publish it into a retro cookbook.

Great Gramma's Cookbook.  It's 110 years old. The leather cover has long since deteriorated.

What I found with this when I inherited it. 

Newspaper clipping from the Kansas City Star, May 24, 1917 for Rhubarb dishes. 

The baby is my grandmother, Sarah Pollard Reiber.  Also an excellent cook! She lived in Berkeley, California (where my father was born and raised) and I remember going to her house for Thanksgiving dinner.
The other lady is her grandmother, Sarah Bailie.  This pic was scanned from the family history book her husband , George Bailie, wrote back in 1902. They lived in Augusta, Georgia.

My dad, early 1950s
Who taught me the value of growing my own foods

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