Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Cooking Session

Stack 1 (T-B): Sourdough bread, Fried Chicken, Baked Fish, Roast Potatoes (front: Beans  & Keilbasa)
Stack 2: Mac & Cheese, Mac & Cheese, BBQ Chicken (2)
Stack 3: Ghulash, Beef Stew, Taco Soup
Stack 4: Bagels, Ghulash
Stack 5: Mac & Cheese, Beef Stew, Chicken Casserole

And I was thinking, another group of people who would benefit from the book would be church folks cooking for someone who needs a hand - such as someone who just had an operation or the elderly. I remember doing that for folks myself. 

Today's session:

Elbow Macaroni - one pound. Half for macaroni and cheese, half for "ghulash" (spaghetti sauce with noodles)
Spaghetti sauce made last week

Frozen chicken (below) with BBQ sauce ready to bake


Several things in oven at once: mac and cheese, baked beans, and BBQ chicken

Done: Mac and cheese & BBQ chicken

Red Beans and Keilbasa (for red beans and rice)
Baked Beans

Calzone molds for berry hand pies later
I got mine here:  Calzone Molds

Berry filling for pies - cooking.  From frozen blackberries I had put away weeks ago.
Pies made.

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